Monday, 25 June 2007

Ulster Scots Games, Ballymoney 23/06/07

The Border Reevers Re-Enactment Group took no prisoners when they chose me to don the mantle of Robert the Bruce! They hung 3 stones of chainmail from my head and then stuck a heavy steel helmet on me before attacking me with swords! Still, they weren't allowed to kill me as I was Royalty so I survived the ordeal ... just!


alan wright said...

It was the wrong person who was attacking 'The King' it should have been 'the Queen'.

Dalriad said...

Cheers Alan but she's never done on the attack and I never have my chain mail handy!!

Seriously, I can heartily recommend the Border Reevers Re-Enactment group and if anyone out there wants a contact for them, email me or ask in a comment.